History of Java Museum, The story begin

If you visiting History of Java Museum in Yogyakarta, you may found lots interesting story about Java or its people.

For an example, not many know that Ki Hajar Dewantara who is an Indonesian education figure is actually a nobleman who even had the opportunity to lead an independent duchy in the Yogyakarta area. There are many nobleman or born in an aristocracy family then scrapped the Javanese gentility title to live among the ordinary peoples.

Born as Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat in the Javanese aristocracy, his family belonged to the royal house of Pakualaman. He was one of Prince Paku Alam III's grandsons through his father, GPH Soerjaningrat. 

Ki Hajar Dewantoro

Besides being tenacious as a young reporter, Soewardi was also active in social and political organizations. Since the establishment of Boedi Oetomo in 1908, he was active in their propaganda service to socialize and promote public awareness of Indonesia as a national unity (especially in Java). Later, Soewardi was invited to join the party, when Douwes Dekker established the Indische Partij.

In 1913, He wrote several critical columns, the most famous piece of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's column is "If I were a Dutchman". This article fiercely criticized the colonial government of Netherlands Indies. Make him banished by the colonial government to Netherland.

In September 1919, Soewardi returned home to Java, and in July 1922, Soewardi established the Taman Siswa school in Yogyakarta, a Javanese educational movement that strove to provide education for the native population. He also change his name to "Ki Hadjar Dewantara".

He died in Yogyakarta on April 26, 1959 and was buried in Taman Wijaya Brata cemetery. In recognition for his dedication and accomplishments in pioneering public education in Indonesia, he was declared as the Father of Indonesian National Education, a national hero, and his birthday is appointed as the National Education Day, through Presidential Decree no. 305 of 1959, dated November 28, 1959.

Another nobleman which choose to scrapped the tittle is Raden Mas Kudiarmadji or Pangeran Suryomentaram. He is the son of Sultan Hamengkubuwana VII. He was born in the Sultan's Palace on May 20, 1892. H

Ki Ageng Suryomentaram

When growing up, He felt anxious and interested in studying psychology. He investigating the human psyche by using himself as a guinea pig.

After his father died, he renounced his knighthood and lived with commoners, he also changed his name to Ki Ageng Suryomentaram.

In his journey to study psychology, he was very confident that to understand a universal human being is enough to observe and realize the sense that is in yourself.

What was learned by Ki Ageng Suryomentaram was known as kawruh jiwa or kawruh begja (happy knowledge). He made the method as a taste analysis tool to develop quality of life with the foundation of self-introspection.

This teaching eventually became the cornerstone of the Javanese macrific philosophy, even President Sukarno, often asked or input on how to manage the country.

Ki Ageng Suryomentaram died on March 18, 1962.

Another Phenomenal Javanese nobleman character is Raden Mas Panji Sosrokartono, was born in Pelemkerep, Mayong, Jepara, April 10, 1877. As the son of R.M. Ario Sosrodiningrat, R.M.P Sosrokartono is the older brother of R.A. Kartini, who inspired R.A. Kartini to become a female emancipation figure.

Raden Mas Panji Sosrokartono

Nicknamed "The Genius from the East" and "De Javanese Prins" Sosrokartono mastered 24 foreign languages ​​and 10 indonesian traditional languages, this ability defeated polyglots from the western world.

As a journalist for The New York Herald Tribune, during World War 1, when all journalists were busy searching for the truth of the secret peace agreement in the Champaigne forest, South France, his newspaper had preached the news that was allegedly written by Sosrokartono, it was possible because Sosrokartono was asked for help to become an interpreter in the negotiations. Sosrokartono then asked to become the translator's leader in the League of Nations.

Sosrokartono then returned to Indonesia and lead the Tamansiswa School in Bandung. Known as a healer in the non-medical world, Sosrokartono finally died in Bandung on 8 February 1952 at the age of 74.

Stories about them can be read at Karaton’s pavilion at HISTORY OF JAVA MUSEUM, which will be opened some more time. Beside their stories, there are many interesting stories about Java in the past. Including the artefact or the peoples them self.

If you want to know other stories, just come to History of Java Museum in Jl. Parangtritis km 5.5 Bantul DIY. But for now, you must be more patient about 1 month before this Museum officially opened.

Enjoy the stories!

History Of Java Museum
Information & Reservation Center

W.a C.s.0857.4822.8300

History Of Java Museum
Information & Reservation Center

W.a C.s.0857.4822.8300


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